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irrigations specialists near me


According to estimates up to 35% of landscape irrigation water in Colorado is lost to runoff and overspray, poor scheduling, and leaking equipment. Steamboat Smartscapes works with property owners, HOAs, and institutions to test and evaluate irrigation system performance, identify problem areas, and implement cost-effective solutions to achieve optimized system performance and water saving results.  By incorporating proper maintenance practices and key water management strategies, our services will protect your landscape investment, preserve the integrity of your irrigation system, conserve water, and save money.


Irrigation and water management service agreements are scaled to fit the end-users landscape irrigation needs and range from annual startup-winterization-routine inspections to efficiency evaluations and comprehensive a la carte selections.



  • Irrigation Efficiency Audits & Evaluation


  • Irrigation System Retrofits and Smart Technology Upgrades


  • Water Management - Scheduling, Monitoring, and Water Budgeting


  • Irrigation Maintenance, Troubleshooting, & Repairs 


Sustainable landscaping is a whole systems approach to landscape design, construction, and maintenance that is based upon ecologically sound practices. Steamboat Smartscapes consults with clients to identify and implement waterwise principles appropriate for their property. Converting traditional landscaping to sustainable landscaping not only creates beautiful, functional landscapes, but results in significant water savings, reduced yard waste, and much lower maintenance requirements. Our consultation services include:


  • Converting high water use turf and plantings to native and low water use plants

  • Selecting the right plants for the right places to reduce water use

  • Amending soils to improve water retention

  • Designing outdoor spaces to enhance functionality with specific landscape features, such as privacy borders, pathways, and perennial gardens. 

  • Installing rain barrels

  • Considering fire-resistant landscaping and wildfire defensible space 

Our consultation process includes an initial meeting to walk site and discuss client objectives. Depending on client needs, we can agree to providing a range of services from a set of recommendations and concept ideas to specific design plans and installation.

best irrigation specialists near me

Steamboat Springs


We’re always looking for fun, creative individuals to add to our team.

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